vvle@rs2-1804:~$ sudo cat /etc/bird.conf | egrep "^[^#]"
log syslog all;
log "/var/log/bird.log" { debug, trace, info, remote, warning, error, auth, fatal, bug };
router id;
define myas = 64540;
ipv4 table master4;
ipv6 table master6;
ipv4 table T_Vlado_64530;
ipv4 table T_ASR_64542;
ipv4 table T_Grybas_64533;
protocol device {
function bgp_in(int peeras)
  if (bgp_path.first != peeras ) then return false;
  return true;
function bgp_out_comm(int peeras)
 if ! (source = RTS_BGP ) then return false;
 if peeras > 65535 then
  if (rt,0,peeras) ~ bgp_ext_community then return false;
  if (rt,myas,peeras) ~ bgp_ext_community then return true;
  if ((rt,0,myas) ~ bgp_ext_community) then return false;
 } else
    if ((0,peeras) ~ bgp_community) || ((rt,0,peeras) ~ bgp_ext_community) then return false;
    if ((myas,peeras) ~ bgp_community) || ((rt,myas,peeras) ~ bgp_ext_community) then return true;
    if ((0, myas) ~ bgp_community) || ((rt,0,myas) ~ bgp_ext_community) then return false;
 return true;
function bgp_out(int peeras)
 if ! bgp_out_comm(peeras) then return false;
protocol direct {
        ipv4;                   # Connect to default IPv4 table
        ipv6;                   # ... and to default IPv6 table
template bgp PEERS {
  local as myas;
  rs client;
       ipv4 {
               import all;
               export all;
template pipe PIPES {
  table master4;
  peer table T_Grybas_64533;
  peer table T_Vlado_64530;
  peer table T_ASR_64542;
               import none;
               export none;
filter bgp_in_Grybas_64533
  if bgp_in(64533) then accept;
filter bgp_out_Grybas_64533
  if ! bgp_out(64533) then reject;
protocol pipe P_Grybas_64533 from PIPES {
  description "Grybas testinis";
        peer table T_Grybas_64533;
        import filter bgp_in_Grybas_64533;
        export filter bgp_out_Grybas_64533;
        import limit 10 action block;
protocol bgp R_Grybas_64533 from PEERS {
  ipv4 { table T_Grybas_64533; };
  description "Grybas testinis";
  neighbor as 64533;
filter bgp_in_Vlado_64530
  if bgp_in(64530) then accept;
filter bgp_out_Vlado_64530
  if ! bgp_out(64530) then reject;
protocol pipe P_Vlado_64530 from PIPES {
  description "Vlado testinis";
        peer table T_Vlado_64530;
        import filter bgp_in_Vlado_64530;
        export filter bgp_out_Vlado_64530;
        import limit 10 action block;
protocol bgp R_Vlado_64530 from PEERS {
  ipv4 { table T_Vlado_64530; };
  description "Vlado testinis";
  neighbor as 64530;
filter bgp_in_ASR_64542
  if bgp_in(64542) then accept;
filter bgp_out_ASR_64542
  if ! bgp_out(64542) then reject;
protocol pipe P_ASR_64542 from PIPES {
  description "ASR testinis";
        peer table T_ASR_64542;
        import filter bgp_in_ASR_64542;
        export filter bgp_out_ASR_64542;
        import limit 10 action block;
protocol bgp R_ASR_64542 from PEERS {
  ipv4 { table T_ASR_64542; };
  description "ASR testinis";
  neighbor as 64542;