// This is a .cpp file run this with a C++ code editor #include <iostream> #include <conio.h> #include <fstream> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> //////// MADE BY- PRANAV BHILE //////// 2019B5PS0818G using namespace std; void screen(); void patient(); void doctor(); struct meds{ char name[100]; char id; int quantity; float cost; public: void disp(){ if (quantity >0 ){ cout<<"\nName : "<<name; cout<<"\nCost : "<<cost; } else { cout<<"\n"<<name<<"is out of stock"; } } void inp(){ cout<<"\nEnter name of medicine "; scanf( "%s",name); cout<<"\nEnter cost "; cin>> cost; cout<<"\nEnter quantity available"; cin>> quantity; cout<<"\nEnter your id "; cin>> id; } }meds[100]; class doc { char pass[50]; public: char name[50]; int experience; char address[1000]; char spec[50]; void input(); int login(); }obj; void doc::input(){ ofstream file_obj; file_obj.open("doc.txt", ios::app); cout<<"Enter name "; scanf( "%s",obj.name); cout<<"Enter password "; scanf( "%s",obj.pass); cout<<"Enter years of experience "; cin >> obj.experience; cout<<"Enter address/ locality of clinic "; scanf( "%s",obj.address); cout<<"Enter specialization "; scanf( "%s",obj.spec); file_obj.write((char*)&obj, sizeof(obj)); file_obj.close(); } int doc::login() { int id =0; ifstream file_obj; file_obj.open("doc.txt", ios::in); int flag =1; char nam[50]; char pas[50]; cout<<"Enter name\n"; cin >> nam; cout<<"Enter pass\n"; cin >> pas; while (!file_obj.eof() && flag ==1) { file_obj.read((char*)&obj, sizeof(obj)); if ((!strcmp(nam,obj.name))&&(!strcmp(pas,obj.pass))){ flag = 0; } id++; } if (flag==1){ cout<<"Not found "; return -1; } if (flag==0){ cout<<"found "<<id; return id; } file_obj.close(); } void doctor(){ char c ='y'; int k = -2; int i; doc obj; while (c == 'y'){ cout<<"a. Register\n"; cout<<"b. Login\n"; cin >> c; switch (c) { case 'a':obj.input(); break; case 'b':k = obj.login(); break; } } if (k >=0) { char f ='n'; do{ cout<<"\nDo you want to add medicine? (y/n)"; cin >>f; if (f == 'y'){ cout<<"\nEnter medicine id "; cin >>i; meds[i].inp(); } }while(f != 'n'); } } void disp(){ cout<<"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\t\t\t\t"; cout<<"\t\tMediServ\n\n"; cout<<"\t\t\t\t\t\t\t -By Pranav Bhile\n\n\n"; } void screen(){ int c = 0; while (c == 0){ cout<<"Login as (Enter the number next to choice)\n"; cout<<"1. Patient\n"; cout<<"2. Doctor \n"; cout<<"3. Chemist\n"; cout<<"4. Quit\n"; cin >>c; switch (c) { case 1: patient(); break; case 2: case 3: doctor(); break; case 4: break; default:cout<<"Invalid entry\n"; c=0; } cout<<"\nPress 0 to do again"; cin >> c; if (c!=0){ cout <<"\n\n\n\n\n\t\t\t\t\tMADE BY PRANAV ARVIND BHILE"; } } } void appoi(){ int flag =1; char c[100]; ifstream file_obj; file_obj.open("doc.txt"); cout<<"What type of doctor do you need?"; scanf("%s", c); while ((!file_obj.eof())&& flag == 1) { file_obj.read((char*)&obj, sizeof(obj)); if (!strcmp(obj.spec,c)) { flag = 0; cout<<"\nName of the doctor is"<<obj.name; cout<<"\nLocation of the clinic is"<<obj.address; } } if (flag==1){ cout<<"No Doctor found with specifics"; } } void buy(){ int flag = 1; char na[100]; cout<<"Enter the name of medicine that you need."; scanf("%s", na); int i; for (i =0;i<=100;i++){ if (!strcmp(meds[i].name,na)){ meds[i].disp(); flag = 0; } } if (flag==1){ cout<<"\nOut of stock"; } } void patient(){ char c1; int c2 =0; char address[1000]; cout <<"Enter location\n"; cin >> address; cout<<"\nIs this an emergency(y/n) "; cin>> c1; if (c1=='y') { cout<<"\nCalling for medical services"; c2=1; } while(!c2) { cout<<"\n1.Do you want to make an appointment?"; cout<<"\n2.Do you want to buy medicine?"; cin >>c2; switch (c2){ case 1: appoi(); break; case 2: buy(); break; default : cout<<"\nInvalid entry "; c2 =0; break; } } } int main() { disp(); screen(); return 0; }