Ahmed Refat refat@githelp.io via mail13.wdc04.mandrillapp.com 
22:55 (14 minutes ago)

to me

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Hi ytti,

I'm writing to invite you to join GitHelp click here, a new platform build to help open source maintainers like you to offer better support to their community.

As the CEO of GitHelp, I’ve spent hours looking for help coding myself, so I know how challenging it can be for developers to get in touch with maintainers, and for maintainers to keep up with the community needs.

By connecting developers to authors like you, we can help them solve problems faster, while helping you: 1) connect to more users, 2) build an better reputation, and 3) get paid!

Here’s more about How GitHelp Works. In short: you register, and we matchmake you with developers looking for help in the areas of expertise that you have. We are reaching out to you specifically because of your contributions on puma. And here's a contributions card of your work on GitHelpclick here

We’re a couple of coders ourselves, so we’d love your feedback. If you sign up, we’ll even send you a GitHelp t-shirt! click here.

Our goal is to build a better developer experience. Join us.

All the best,

Ahmed and Karim