systemPackages = with pkgs; [
    # Web-browser
      firefox-esr qutebrowser
    # Shell
       bash which gawk lsof htop wget tmux irssi  
    # Android devices
       android-udev-rules jmtpfs
    # Editors
    # C stuff and whatnot
       stdenv gcc gnumake automake autoconf
    # The X11 windowing system.
      xorg.xorgserver xorg.xinit xorg.xf86videointel jwm os-prober dhcp wpa_supplicant_gui psmisc
      mplayer vaapiIntel xpdf fvwm xorg.xf86inputsynaptics termite nox kate breeze-qt5 xdgmenumaker rofi breeze-gtk breeze-qt5 lxmenu-data
      pcmanfm-qt ranger git ark